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How to install helm on openshift

This is a short summary of things to consider when installing Helm on Openshift.

What is Helm?

Before going into details: helm is a self-proclaimed "Kubernetes Package Manager". While this is not entirly false in my opinion it is three things
  • a package manager for chart repos
  • a Kubernetes API automation tool
  • a Kubernetes resource abstraction helper
When looking closer it does more of the stuff that automation tools like Puppet, Chef and Ansible do.

Current Installation Issues

Since kubernetes v1.6.1, which introduced RBAC (role based access control) it became harder to properly install helm. Actually the simple installation as suggested on the homepage
# Download and...
helm init
seems to work, but as soon as you run commands like
helm list
you get permission errors. This of course being caused by the tighter access control now being in place. Sadly even now being at kubernetes 1.8 helm still wasn't updated to take care of the proper permissions.

Openshift to the rescue...

As Redhat somewhat pioneered RBAC in Openshift with their namespace based "projects" concept they are also the ones with a good solution for the helm RBAC troubles.

Setting up Helm on Openshift

Client installation (helm)

curl -s | tar xz
sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/helm

helm init --client-only

Server installation (tiller)

With helm being the client only, Helm needs an agent named "tiller" on the kubernetes cluster. Therefore we create a project (namespace) for this agent an install it with "oc create"
export TILLER_NAMESPACE=tiller
oc new-project tiller
oc project tiller
oc process -f -p TILLER_NAMESPACE="${TILLER_NAMESPACE}" | oc create -f -
oc rollout status deployment tiller

Preparing your projects (namespaces)

Finally you have to give tiller access to each of the namespaces you want someone to manage using helm:
export TILLER_NAMESPACE=tiller
oc project 
oc policy add-role-to-user edit "system:serviceaccount:${TILLER_NAMESPACE}:tiller"
After you did this you can deploy your first service, e.g.
helm install stable/redis --namespace 

See also