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How to get openshift scc uid ranges

A typical problem when using Helm charts in Openshift is handling security context UID ranges. As Helm charts are usually targeting kubernetes they do not force you to set the proper security context.

Once you apply the Helm chart you immediately get an error from the admission controller about invalid UIDs in the pods you deploy. For example

unable to validate against any security context constraint: [provider restricted: .spec.securityContext.fsGroup: Invalid value: []int64{999}: 999 is not an allowed group spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 999: must be in the ranges: [1000640000, 1000649999]]",

Now if you have a Helm chart that allows to specify the security context constraint you can take the UID range reported from the error message and pass it in the values file. But how about programmatically doing this?

Query Openshift namespace UID ranges

UID ranges are defined per namespace in the namespace annotation. You can query it like this

oc get project -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.openshift\.io/sa\.scc\.uid-range}"

which for above error example would return 1000640000/10000 which gives you the minimum id of 1000640000 and the info that 10000 more ids can be allocated.

Helm Magic to translate ids

Usually default ids provided by Helm charts lie in the range around 1000 which would make it easy to just add those to the base id (like 1000640000). As of now I do not know whether Helm has a mechanism to apply the translation. It would be great to have such a business logic for example using a user id template helper which detects Openshift and performs the mapping.