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Helm Best Practices

As a reminder to myself I have compiled this list of opinionated best practices (in no particalur order) to follow when using Helm seriously:


  • Do not try to mix Helm2 and Helm3
  • Do not use Helm3 yet (as of 02/2020) as infrastructure as code tools do not support it yet
  • When using Openshift start with Helm3 only to avoid to many workarounds


  • Before deployment check for and fix all releases in FAILED state
  • After deployment check for releases in FAILED state
  • Consider using --atomic when installing/upgrading charts to get automatic rollback on failures
  • Consider using --kubeconfig or --kube-ctxt to 100% ensure to hit the correct k8s cluster
  • Deploy your chart releases declaratively (infrastructure as code) using a tool like helmfile or terraform
  • Perform deployment using a docker image with all the infrastructure as code tooling you required. Use this tooling also when running test deployments from your laptop.
  • Wisely choose the proper Helm version and pin it in your CI/deployment tooling image.
  • Helm2: Actively check if the k8s cluster has the correct Helm version
  • Be careful will CRD installing charts. As resource application is asynchronous per default, any installed CRD might not become visible immediately and subsequent dependant charts might fail. This happens with cert-manager for example. As a safe workaround have a layered infrastructure as code setup where in a first step all CRDs are applied and only later all dependant chart releases are applied.


  • When using kube2iam annotate all namespaces you create with a role whitelisting pattern/definition. Use the namespace config chart mentioned above to do so. This prevents erroneous or evil pod IAM annotations to become effective.

Monitoring / Testing

  • Check for releases in FAILED state
  • Always use periodic helm diff or helmfile diff to monitor your cluster for unapplied changes
  • Run both upgrade and fresh install tests of your helm chart releases
  • Be careful with waiting for Helm releases to be finished before running checks.


  • When everything is stuck remove the chart with helm delete --purge <chart release> and reinstall it. Without --purge a new installation might fail


  • From the start use the helm secrets plugin to provide encrypted secrets using CI


  • Alway run your deployment from a clean ~/.helm setup. Otherwise it might be affected by other repo settings. Use a pre-build docker image to ensure a clean environment.
  • For reproducibility: always overwrite the chart image: value to an image archived on your own chart repository
  • For reproducibility: pin chart releases to exact versions
  • For reproducibility and release management: isolate the version definitions into a per cluster/stage separate YAML config (aka release descriptor)
  • Use a generic chart for namespace configuration (quotas, security settings…). For example
  • Separate values.yaml from release declarations
  • From the beginning start using configuration environments. Either using the infrastructure as code tools support e.g. helmfile or by creating a directory layout matching your environments and manually select values.yaml it when applying releases.


  • Declare your repos using an infrastructure as code tool (see above)
  • Do not use the legacy chart repo anymore
  • For reproducibility: Host your own repository with an archive of all chart versions you ever used (chartmuseum, Nexus, jFrog artifactory will do)

When writing charts

  • Never hardcode the namespace
  • Write a good output template
  • Use helm lint to check your results
  • Use helm install --debug --dry-run ./<chart> for template rendering output by tiller
  • Use helm template ./<chart> for local template rendering output

That’s all for now. If this list did help you or not, or you want to add points consider writing a comment!

Also check out the Helm cheat sheet!