When Hiera works without any problems everything is fine. But when not it is quite hard to debug why it is not working. Here is a troubleshooting list for Hiera when used with hiera-eyaml-gpg.
hiera-eyaml-gpg Decryption failed
First check your GPG key list
gpg --list-keys --homedir=<.gnupg dir>
Check that at least one of the keys listed is in the recipients you use for decrypting. The recipients you used are either listed in your Hiera/Eyaml config file or in a file referenced from there. To verify what you active config is run eyaml in tracing mode. Note that the "-t" option is only available in newer Eyaml versions (e.g. 2.0.5):
eyaml decrypt -v -t -f somefile.yaml
Trace output
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) trace_given = (TrueClass) true
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) gpg_always_trust = (FalseClass) false
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) trace = (TrueClass) true
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) encrypt_method = (String) pkcs7
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) gpg_gnupghome = (String) /etc/hiera/.gnupg
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) pkcs7_private_key = (String) ./keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) version = (FalseClass) false
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) gpg_gnupghome_given = (TrueClass) true
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) help = (FalseClass) false
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) quiet = (FalseClass) false
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) gpg_recipients_file = (String) ./gpg_recipients
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) string = (NilClass)
[hiera-eyaml-core] (Symbol) file_given = (TrueClass) true
Alternatively try manually enforcing recipients and .gnupg location to make it work.
eyaml decrypt -v -t -f somefile.yaml --gpg-recipients-file=<recipients> --gpg-gnupghome=<.gnupg dir>
If it works manually you might want to add the keys ":gpg-recipients-file:" to hiera.yaml and ensure that the mandatory key ":gpg-gnupghome:" is correct.
Checking Necessary Gems
hiera-eyaml-gpg can be run with different GPG-libraries depending on the version you run. Check dependencies on Github. A possible stack is the following
gem list
gpgme (2.0.5)
hiera (1.3.2)
hiera-eyaml (2.0.1)
hiera-eyaml-gpg (0.4)
The GEM gpgme additionally needs the C library
dpkg -l "*gpg*"
||/ Name Version Beschreibung
ii libgpgme11 1.2.0-1.2+deb6u1 GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy
Using Correct Ruby Version
Another pitfall is running multiple Ruby versions. Ensure to install the GEMs into the correct one. One Debian consider using "ruby-switch" or manually running "update-alternatives" for "gem" and "ruby".
Ruby Switch
apt-get install ruby-switch
ruby-switch --set ruby1.9.1
# Print available versions
update-alternatives --list ruby
update-alternatives --list gem
# Show current config
update-alternatives --display ruby
update-alternatives --display gem
# If necessary change it
update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
update-alternatives --set gem /usr/bin/gem1.9.1
See also