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Debugging hiera Eyaml encryption, decryption failed

When Hiera works without any problems everything is fine. But when not it is quite hard to debug why it is not working. Here is a troubleshooting list for Hiera when used with hiera-eyaml-gpg.

hiera-eyaml-gpg Decryption failed

First check your GPG key list
gpg --list-keys --homedir=<.gnupg dir>
Check that at least one of the keys listed is in the recipients you use for decrypting. The recipients you used are either listed in your Hiera/Eyaml config file or in a file referenced from there. To verify what you active config is run eyaml in tracing mode. Note that the "-t" option is only available in newer Eyaml versions (e.g. 2.0.5):
eyaml decrypt -v -t -f somefile.yaml
Trace output
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) trace_given        =        (TrueClass) true              
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) gpg_always_trust   =       (FalseClass) false             
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) trace              =        (TrueClass) true              
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) encrypt_method     =           (String) pkcs7             
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) gpg_gnupghome      =           (String) /etc/hiera/.gnupg      
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) pkcs7_private_key  =           (String) ./keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) version            =       (FalseClass) false             
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) gpg_gnupghome_given =        (TrueClass) true              
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) help               =       (FalseClass) false             
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) quiet              =       (FalseClass) false             
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) gpg_recipients_file =           (String) ./gpg_recipients  
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) string             =         (NilClass)                   
[hiera-eyaml-core]           (Symbol) file_given         =        (TrueClass) true   
Alternatively try manually enforcing recipients and .gnupg location to make it work.
eyaml decrypt -v -t -f somefile.yaml --gpg-recipients-file=<recipients> --gpg-gnupghome=<.gnupg dir>
If it works manually you might want to add the keys ":gpg-recipients-file:" to hiera.yaml and ensure that the mandatory key ":gpg-gnupghome:" is correct.

Checking Necessary Gems

hiera-eyaml-gpg can be run with different GPG-libraries depending on the version you run. Check dependencies on Github. A possible stack is the following
gem list
gpgme (2.0.5)
hiera (1.3.2)
hiera-eyaml (2.0.1)
hiera-eyaml-gpg (0.4)
The GEM gpgme additionally needs the C library
dpkg -l "*gpg*"
||/ Name                Version             Beschreibung
ii  libgpgme11          1.2.0-1.2+deb6u1    GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy

Using Correct Ruby Version

Another pitfall is running multiple Ruby versions. Ensure to install the GEMs into the correct one. One Debian consider using "ruby-switch" or manually running "update-alternatives" for "gem" and "ruby".

Ruby Switch

apt-get install ruby-switch
ruby-switch --set ruby1.9.1


# Print available versions
update-alternatives --list ruby
update-alternatives --list gem

# Show current config
update-alternatives --display ruby
update-alternatives --display gem

# If necessary change it
update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
update-alternatives --set gem /usr/bin/gem1.9.1
See also